Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Friends are my life

So this post is a little different. In this one I wanna basically post pictures of my main friends and explain why their important to me. :] My friends are the most important thing to me in this entire world. These people aren’t in any specific order, I’m just putting them in boys and then girls. It’s just easier that way.


John! He's so awesome. I went to karate with him. I've known him for like 8 years. Without him I would probably be dead. He's helped me through so much in my life. I dont know what I would do without him. He's so goofy and amazing. I love you John!


Papa Sin!!! For the LONGEST time I have the BIGGEST crush on this man. It wasn't even funny. I was so in love with him. But then he got together with this girl Keriba and well, he became more of a big brother/father like kinda person to me. I call him my Papa Sin. He's more of a father to me than my own dad is. His son is about my age too...which is weird. I always wonder what his son thinks about his dad being friends with someone his age. Ya know? But I love him with all of my heart. He's the biggest rock that holds me together at times. I love you so much Sin!


Tom!! I love this kid. I havnt known him that long but he is the COOLEST person you will EVER meet. He needs to come home NOW! I only hung out with him twice and then he LEAVES town. :[ It fucking sucks soooo bad. I really liked this guy too. Other than Shawn, hes the greatest guy I know. Love you man!


Sharpie!! :] Craziest guy I know. Well, aside from Tom. Sharpie lives down in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Seen him in person once and...DAMN is he awesome. We chilled and shit and then I had to go home. It sucked. :[ Anyways, he's so sweet and he always knows how to make me laugh. I love you Sharpie!

And now...presenting....MY BESTEST!


This would be my ASHIE BABIE. I love this girl more than anything in this whole fucking world. Yeah, we fight a lot but in the end, I still get to cuddle up with her at night and call her my bestest. I love her the mostest hostess. We're gunna move away together and start a whole new fucking life. Away from all these fucking HICKS.

So now you know who holds me together in this world. If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry. I tried to cut it down so it wasnt so fucking huge. :] I love all of my friends equally. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm all about my friends. Their my fucking life. I would do anything for these people. I may not have a lot of friends...but the ones I have are good enough for me.

"Friendship doesn't count the miles. It's measured by the heart."

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